Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Swimming in the Steno Pool" by Lynn Peril

After reading Lynn Peril's book (author of "Pink Think" and "College Girls"), you will probably never look at yourself or your fellow secretaries the same way. The illustrations and retro ads alone will either make you laugh or spike your boss's coffee (just kidding - don't do that).

Her humorous, yet incredibly factual, "Swimming in the Steno Pool" (A Retro Guide to Making It In The Office) might make you want to actually give your boss a present on "Boss's Day."

To quote the old cigarette ad, "We've come a long way, baby."

I've always considered being a secretary an honest living and a good way to support one's self. It takes more than just a pretty face. Lucky for me. Unfortunately, it hasn't always been that way.

Lynn Peril starts from the beginning and brings you all the way to where we are now -which is a darn sight farther from where we've been.

"Yours truly" learned to type on an IBM Selectric (TM). Yes, I was a baby typist :)

(Did you even know there is a retirement home for secretaries?)

Available at amazon.com

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