Sunday, June 3, 2012

Are Notaries More Valuable At Work?

A friend contacted me and asked me whether or not I knew if notaries received extra compensation from law firms.

Good question. No clue. I'm not a notary.

When I was interested in becoming a notary, it was very early in my career, I was not working in the legal field, and I was eager to add more skills to my resume.

It's always a smart idea to make yourself more marketable, right? But, does having a notary public license make you more marketable or valuable to your firm?

I've heard "rumors" that some firms offer an annual "stipend" shall we say for the secretaries who perform notary work in the office. I'm also told that some firms offer no additional compensation.

I know that the office notaries do tend to provide services for work that is not firm-related. Perhaps the individual pays them out of their own pocket for their service?

I'd love to know. If you're a notary, in a law firm, does your company provide additional compensation? Leave an "anonymous" comment.

Inquiring minds want to know.

And, if you're interested in becoming a notary, here's a link that will point you in the right direction.

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