Monday, July 19, 2021

Zoom Fatigue

I'm a people person.  I love people.  Most of the time.  Most people.

Which is why virtual activities and zoom meetings versus zero interaction with other people is a much better option for me.

However, sixteen months into the pandemic, post-pandemic, possible pandemic part two has me completely worn out.

I've run out of virtual backgrounds, zoom lighting tricks, outdoor options.

I am quite simply over it.

That said, please people get vaccinated so that we can get back together, in person, in office, in coffee shop, in restaurants, in community meetings and scream in each other's faces rather than at the screen.

Sure, looking presentable on top with sweatpants on the bottom was a real hoot for a while, it's no longer fun.

I want to go back to the pre-pandemic cautiously glancing at my phone while being bored in meetings.

That's all.

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