Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Take Me Off Speaker! When Did We All Lose Our Telephone Manners?

If you want to call me a boomer, I'll take it.

There are some things that never change or at least they shouldn't.

Since when did it become appropriate to answer every phone call on speaker (in your car, in your home, in your office) without notifying the caller that they're on speaker?

There's a reason to call person-to-person.  Otherwise, we could just use the "party line."  Uh-oh.  I think I just dated myself.

Nevertheless, if I wanted to talk to you, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your kids, your nanny, your cube-mate or your housekeeper, I would have called them and not you.

There are times when you have to use the speakerphone (like when you're driving).  But, please have the common courtesy to at least notify the caller that you're not alone.

This should be right up there with not changing your profile photo on zoom to a cat picture.

Save yourself and the rest of us the embarrassment.

You're welcome.

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