Saturday, December 14, 2013

Planning for the New Year

Wow.  It's almost January.  I try not to plan (pun intended) too far in advance which calendars I'm going to use for the new year.  Call me superstitious, but I don't like to get ahead of myself.

And, yes, I'm a person who still uses a paper calendar.  Of course, I have Outlook on my computer and calendars on my smartphone, but nothing beats paper for my purposes.  I like to see the written word on paper to process it and take mental note so that I'm constantly aware of what is coming up.

This brings me to my latest dilemma.  With some many different options (although there are fewer companies making paper planners each coming digital year), I can never decide which color, style, make or model to buy.

So that's my project this weekend.  Finding a planner that I want to use and look at for the year.

Stay tuned.  I'll let you know what I come up with.

Featured Brownline Planner from Urban Girl

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