Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking Forward to the New Year

I'm not sure where the time went, but it certainly flew by. To be honest, I'm sort of glad to see 2010 leave. Although some wonderful milestones happened in my life and in the lives of those whom I love most, I'm hopeful that the economy will continue to pick up ever so slightly and that more people will find jobs. I'm also hoping (and praying) that those of us who are fortunate and blessed enough to have jobs will keep them. But is "keeping" your job enough? For me, I'm hoping this is a year of growth and change and continued development at work. I hope to bloom where I'm planted and maybe realize that what I'm looking for is what I already have.

I'll admit I'm a little late in looking for a calendar for 2011 but I always wait until the end of the year. I'm a little bit superstitious. Don't want to "jinx" myself. That is, I take nothing for granted and am too skeptical to presume that I will even live to see the New Year. But, as it looks like the odds might possibly be in my favor, I'm shopping for calendars.

Coincidentally (or not), the first calendar I ran into on the office supply store website was the Mead Looking Forward Calendar (R). The description reads, "Plan continuously by tearing away previous weeks to look forward!"

Those are words to chew on. Plan continuously. Tear away previous weeks. That might be interpreted to mean let go of past conflicts in the workplace, previous disappointments about promotions not received or performance reviews you may have found less than exciting. Look forward. What a novel concept, huh?

I'm not sure if I'm going to buy this particular calendar, but I do want to say "thanks" to Mead (TM) for giving me something to ponder.

Happy New Year!

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