This new Aladdin Essential Tea Infuser Mug is - well, it's essential! Especially if you work in a law firm. You know you could use a "tea-time" every day, but you don't have time to go out for tea. You barely have time for bathroom breaks.
Well, you can do this right at your desk. (Won't your boss be happy that you're not leaving the building?)
Anyway, here's how it works:
Remove the lid. Put tea or coffee in the infusion basket. Add hot water all the way up to the fill line. Replace the lid and lower the basket with the lever. When the tea reaches your favorite shade, raise the basket. Flip open the lid and enjoy!
p.s. - works with COARSE ground coffee too!
I have a question about the Aladdin Tea Mug you reviewed.
What I want is a tea mug that can brew puer tea and loose leaf tea. Puer tea isn't supposed to stay in the water long, like loose leaf is. When you "roll up" the basket, then drink from the mug, will the water continue to wash over the tea? I don't want it to if it's puer tea, but if it's loose leaf tea I'd just put it in the bottom of the mug. Thanks for your time.
Sorry for the double-post. Is it a one- or two-handed job to get a drink? Do you have to unscrew the lid or is there a hole to drink from?
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