Sunday, October 25, 2009

Calling, Dr. Hauschka - My Hands Need You!!

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go. . .and type and file and open mail and type and file and open mail and type and file - oh, did I mention opening the mail?

Every busy secretary has busy hands. Busy hands get dry and chapped. Cold weather makes it worse. Flu Season calls for even more washing of those busy hands than usual.

I have tried nearly every hand cream on the market. And yet, my hands look and feel like Lizzy Lizard's.

Dr. Hauschka products have been around since 1967. I don't know why it's taken me so long to discover them, but I'm sure glad I did.

The first product I tried was the Lemon Bath. . .now that's what I call "Lemon AID." A must have for a woman (or man) of a "certain age."

But, my pharmacist, yes my pharmacist, turned me on to the Hand Cream.

Now after a day of typing and filing and opening mail, I might be able to find someone to hold my hand :)

Check out the full line of products at:

Here's to beautiful hands!


becky said...

Yes, a great natural product with wonderful fragrance and great silky-smooth hands. A must for every day. You should the other products especially their organic face creams and the wonderful rose body lotion. If you like the handcream you will like these!

A lot of different stuff said...

I have used Dr. Hauschka for years too, I love it! :)

Brooklyn said...
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Brooklyn said...

My problem has not been w/the product. It has been with taking the time to actually use the hand cream that I ALWAYS have in my purse. I usually have a tube of Clarins Hand Cream handy. But, do I use it after washing my hands? A big fat NO! With so many tasks waiting for my busy hands to tackle, I'm guilty of neglecting the luxury of taking an additional 60 seconds to put on hand cream and rub it in. I'm afraid this is a problem for most of us who must keep those fingers flying! Williams Sonoma also makes a delightful hand lotion in a pump bottle, in some seriously refreshing scents that work really well.