Monday, September 14, 2009

Mary's Tomatoes

She swears these are better than the "Early Girls." I say, that we all want a sample to judge for ourselves :)

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

I first started paying attention to Early Girls one day more than 5 years ago at the EC Plaza Farmers' Market. Mrs. Della Harris was there and was intent on "I want to get the Early Girls! That's what I'm looking for - the Early Girls!" She and a couple of other senior women from the old neighborhood were shopping together for fruits and veggies;). Of course, they were also intent on finding some freshly picked "greens" - not the salad variety, but the varieties that only Westerners who migrated from the South can really appreciate. The "greens" that are simmered w/smoked turkey and their "my own seasonings" to be served with those fresh Early Girls sliced on the side with a dash of their "my own pepper sauce" from hot peppers grown in their backyards!