Friday, June 27, 2014

Perks at Work - Do They Matter?

With all the hype surrounding the World Cup, many offices are showing the games in conference rooms and lobby areas for employees to watch.

Naturally, the intent is not for you to spend the entire day sitting in front of the TV watching the action, but it's nice that some firms actually think that there's more to work than work.  There's that thing called "employee satisfaction."

My office, for example, provided breakfast on yesterday while streaming the USA match.  No one took advantage of it, and most people noshed and watched for about 10 to 15 minutes and then went back to their offices and work stations.

Which brings me to the topic of "Perks at Work."  Do they matter?  I say, "Yes."  Some people say that instead of "Bagel Fridays" or "Happy Hours," and "Free Lunches," they'd rather have more money.  I say that money isn't everything.  I like at least having the perception that my employer sees me as something more than a "worker bee," but a human being who appreciates a "lifestyle firm."  Now those words "lifestyle firm" are almost an oxymoron when it comes to the legal field, but there can be at least the notion of a balance.

So, hat's off to all the partners who think that a happy worker is a productive worker.  Even if they enjoy the "perks" as much or more than the folks in the trenches do.  Perception is reality, right?

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