Friday, November 2, 2012

The Moment That You Jolts You Back to Reality

We're always so hurried and harried in law firms.  Especially in litigation.

But once in a while that moment happens that makes you put everything in perspective.

If I'm rambling, it's because I've just experienced such a moment.

I sent a panicked email to my favorite legal service's owner because I have a filing on Monday.  I've trusted him with my work for years, and while I do use other vendors, from time to time, Mike has never failed me and has saved my you know what on more than one occassion.

When I recieved his "out of office," message, I picked up the phone and frantically dialed the company's number.  I blurted out how I had a filing next week and I needed to have this and that happen only to find out that Mike isn't coming back.

Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday. 

And, suddenly what seemed so important actually isn't important at all.

Rest in Peace, Mike.  I'll say a special prayer for you and for your colleagues.

They say the good die young.

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