Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's That Exciting (or Dreaded) Time of the Year: Staff Appreciation

This is the week that allergy sufferers dread.  The week when you have to get on that crowded train or bus with people carrying armloads of beautiful bouquets of flowers.  

Or the week that everyone in your office got flowers, candy and gifts except you.

Or the week that your office gave you a free lunch or brought in a clown or whatever they did to make you feel like they couldn't go on without you.  Which we all know, after the "recession" isn't true, because if you don't want your job, somebody else sure does.

Which is why I'll keep the complaining to a minimum.  

I don't really have anything to complain about.  I work at a firm where at the very least the administration acknowledges that we're still celebrating "Administrative Professionals Week" (formerly "Secretary's Week," formerly "Secretary's Day").  

It sort of surprises me that we still celebrate it because each year it seems more and more like most law firms and companies really don't want to do it.  

Personally, my appreciation is truly in my paycheck.  But, I'm only human so when someone asks you what you got, you'd like to be able to say "A trip to the spa."  As opposed to, "Nothing."

And since the actual day was yesterday, I suppose there's no need in me sitting here holding my breath for that gift certificate that's probably not going to come.

We should be grateful to have jobs.  I know I am.

Which brings me to the burning question, "Why do I feel so badly right now?"

Oh well.  There's always next April.

And who decided to make "Staff Appreciation" right after Tax Day?  Talk about a one-two punch.

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