Thursday, January 17, 2013


You don’t have to be a kid to be a bully.  And you might not even realize you are a bully.  Let's just give people the benefit of the doubt.

However, I’ve noticed an alarming trend in ye ole local lunch room lately.  People are pairing up into groups.  Or cliques.  Or, you might call them “office gangs.”

We’re talking fully grown adults who will only eat with “certain” people.  In fact, it’s so bad, that if they walk in the lunchroom and their “buddies” aren’t there, they will turn around and leave.  But, what if you’re like me and don’t belong to a clique?

It’s bad enough that only the staff eats in the lunch room around here.  Attorneys wouldn’t be caught dead in there.  And, of course, people are always coming in for the leftovers from attorney meetings and such.  Basically, I’m telling you that the“gleaners” are discriminating against other “gleaners.”

Me, myself, I bring my own lunch or food that I’ve purchased.  I mean, I do have some pride.  However, as one of the newest people at this particular firm, it does make me stop and think, “Whatever happened to camaraderie, friendship among peers and plain old-fashioned manners?”

After all, it’s just a lunchroom:  a microwave, a few tables and a soda dispenser.  It’s not exactly “Mr. Chow.”

Come on people, can’t we just all get along?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Count it all as BLESSING!!!!! Your non-co-workers are saving you from hearing and/or temptation to repeat what usually turns out to be baseless gossip, complaints and other forms of negativity - sometimes leading to you being the one getting a pink slip because you're not a part of "the good ole gals network." You must be a fair, good, honest, worker. Otherwise, you could be "in their little bunch." It's the same in any setting - work, church and even extended family situations. The game is the same. Only the players change. If you are doing the right thing and don't get down dirty with the pack, then it's "you're on your own hobo"! I enjoy my own company because I'm not going to hurt my own feelings. Hence, I wait until the bunch is gone before I have lunch. Or I find myself a place with a nice view and fresh air. You're certainy not going to find either in the office "coffee/lunch room".